At the allotment we spent Sunday lifting our shallots and preparing them for storage. Shallots grow in clumps and need to be separated after lifting. They are then prepared for drying by cutting off the leaves and the roots, and by then removing the outer layers to clean them. The outer layers can also be soggy so it is worth removing these damp layers to limit the chances of rot. The cleaned shallots can be laid out somewhere warm and dry, and where the air can circulate (we use the benches in our greenhouse), making sure that none are in contact with each other, again to limit the chances of rot spreading.
Uncleaned shallots |
A shallot before cleaning |
Peeling a shallot |
Removing the roots |
Colours of prepared shallots |
More colours - shallots laid out for drying |
Meanwhile, the battle against bindweed continues, and a lot of fun was had harvesting strawberries and eating thern with cream....
A couple of perhaps useful shallot links follow to finish with:
From Wikipedia - about the shallot
From BBC Good Food - shallot recipes
And that's shallot!